Catching up

Been busy around here so I haven’t had much chance to blog the last several days. I thought I’d try to condense events and get them in here before it gets to be too much.
The symbol of the fox has come clear…and its attached to a dream I had a few days ago of a field of 100s of aloe vera plants. I googled fox+aloe vera, and one of the 1st links that came up was an article by a woman named Foxe about a skin condition called Mycosis Fungoides, which I had never even heard of before ( have you???). Its a rare type of skin cancer often misdiagnosed as exczema. Mild to be sure and easily treated with creams and lotions and other natural things like…you guessed it…aloe vera. But if left for too long, it can spread to the lymph nodes and then becomes something else to deal with altogether. I read the article with growing apprehension ( and, strangely, relief). My husband has had an odd looking rash type thing for years. Doc called it exczema. Looks like Mycosis to me, so he has an appt booked for Friday to check it out.
Thanks, whichever Spirit pointed that out to me!!!!

And recently things have gotten noisy. The last two nights something has been falling on our roof. There are no trees or higher buildings or anything near by. Unless someone was purposely throwing things up onto our roof its pretty much impossible for something to fall onto it. And I’d believe a large bird landing maybe once, but two nights in a row? In the same spot? And last night twice? 5 Minutes apart? Plus, no bird is going to make the girlish giggle I heard ( but my husband didn’t. ).
If I hear it aagan tonight, I’m going to go outside and see what i can see.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…well ok, my store ( I own a store), the girl who runs my shop when I’m not able to be there had a very interesting day yesterday. When I got back she told me sales had been very slow, so I apologized for a boring day for her and she said, “Well, no, it was actually quite interesting.”
Why’s that, I wondered.
Apparently, things kept falling down and she kept hearing the sound a tennis ball being tossed against a wall coming from my office. Luckily, nothing that fell was truly breakable, but I do have a display rack that is now canted oddly to one side and I cant quite get it bent back the right way. Hooligans.
And speaking of which…a $100 bill went missing from my purse in a room that was empty of all but me, and I’d be really grateful if they’d bring it back. What can they possibly spend it on anyway, and I have bills to pay…
OKay, thats it for now. The blog is caught up. Till next time…

4 thoughts on “Catching up

  1. So…was it mycosis? Man…if that was my hooligan stealing $100 I would command them to give it back. Just talk to the air…”OK…very funny…give it back!” Did the roof sound happen again? Did you catch anything? I’m just nosy I guess.

    • I dunno yet. His appt is for today. It’s only noonish here..
      I did, my blog post was basically exactly that demand and I backed it up with almost that exact wording spoken to ‘the air”. And it came back! Found it last night an an hour later in my daughter’s closet in plain site. She SWEARS she didn’t touch it and she’s too little to see the point in lying about it. $100 is the same as $1 to her still. Plus I’d been in that closet that day and it was NOT there before.

      No sounds on the roof last night. At least not while I was still awake enough to hear them.

      I dont think you’re nosy. I find it really nice that you care enough to ask. Makes me feel not so alone in this. 🙂

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